Christmas is undoubtedly the most beloved time of year for many, and it’s no wonder! These are days of love, gathering, snuggling at home, and going out to see the lights. They are days of family and anecdotes. And in all of this, of course, your dog has a place. However, did you know that some dogs don’t enjoy Christmas as much as we think? We’ll tell you how to avoid this and give you the keys to enjoy these holidays together.

You’ll agree with us that Christmas is the most endearing time of the year, but it’s also weeks of hustle and bustle. Christmas shopping, feasts, family gatherings, meetups with friends, visits, changes in routines, and more. All of this can make some dogs not enjoy Christmas as much as we think. After all, we must not forget that they are creatures of habit.

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Dogs at Christmas: Keep Caring for Their Health

Photo by Jasmin Schuler

These are days filled with events and endless to-do lists, we know. But since you have a dog, you’ve taken on an unbreakable responsibility that will last for years (and hopefully, many more!). Dogs at Christmas also need their veterinary check-ups, maintaining their usual hygiene, a healthy diet, etc. Don’t forget about it!

  • Follow their vaccination schedule. If they are due for any vaccinations during this time, try to ensure it doesn’t coincide with an event that keeps you away from them; perhaps they need more cuddles than usual.
  • Don’t forget to follow the recommended internal deworming (once per quarter) and keep them protected from external parasites using appropriate drops or collars.
  • Watch their diet. Beware of sweets! Sharing the Christmas cake or roasted turkey with your dog is not a good idea. Stick to their regular diet and don’t be swayed by that pitiful look when they sit next to you during Christmas feasts. Their intestinal health will thank you. If you want to prepare something special for them—because it’s Christmas for them too!—we suggest these 13 dog recipes that will make them lick their paws. Let us know if you try any of them. Mmmmmm!

Dogs at Christmas: Maintain Their Routines as Stable as Possible

The days are shorter, and it gets dark much earlier. This can bring down many humans. But did you know that dogs feel it too? They also notice the change in rhythms and routines that are so common during this time.

  • If possible, move up the time for their long walk to do it during daylight. Although some dogs are more nocturnal than others, your dog will surely appreciate being able to run and enjoy the winter sun, which has many benefits.
  • Don’t change their meal times, walks, and overall routines. Remember that they are creatures of habit and appreciate knowing “what comes next,” which they achieve through their routines. Disturb them as little as possible during these days. They’ll be calmer and happier.
  • Protect them from the typical hustle and bustle of these holidays. They feel it, a lot! They are happy cuddled up at home with your company and not much more. Try not to let them notice more commotion than usual at home and keep them away from loud noises. (*Special mention to fireworks: we leave you this post with several tips that you should read carefully if your dog suffers from this human invention that causes so many problems for our furry friends.)

Dogs at Christmas: Paws, the Often Forgotten

Photo by Emilia Niedźwiedzka

They seem thick, rough, and strong. And they are. But they are very vulnerable to temperature changes.

We often forget that our dogs literally walk barefoot. And of course, they don’t need shoes! But they do need good care of this part of their body that we often neglect.

Dogs’ paw pads can not only burn on scorching asphalt in summer, but snow, ice, and cold can also “burn”! If you’re going to visit areas in these weather conditions, we recommend checking out paw creams and protectors. They also sell socks for dogs that can cover this area; however, they are not suitable for all dogs, as some feel very strange with this type of clothing.

Dogs at Christmas: I’m Not a Gift!

A DOG IS NOT A GIFT. We don’t usually use uppercase letters, but this topic requires it. No, a dog is not a gift. Not from Santa Claus, not from the Three Wise Men, not for getting good grades.

A dog requires a great responsibility that an adult should take on and never a child. Of course, sharing life with a dog has countless advantages for the development of any person during their childhood and adolescence. But it is not a gift.

Expanding the family with the company of a furry friend is great. But it is a thoughtful decision that you should make as a family. And never treat them as a gift or reward, and, of course, disregard the “the dog is yours” idea. Because it’s not anyone’s. It’s another member of the family that requires the same love and care as any of the others.

Also, keep in mind that having a dog requires a financial commitment that you must be sure you can handle, and, of course, it should not fall on your child. Therefore, if this year you see “a little dog” on your child’s letter to the Three Wise Men, talk to them about it and consider the possibility of adopting a dog later on. But never treat it as a gift.

Dogs at Christmas: Trust in Gudog

Photo by Charlie Green

During these dates, our caregivers are fully booked. If you feel that you will be very busy these days, if you have a lot of Christmas hustle and bustle, will be away from home for an extended period, or if you think your dog needs more company than you can provide: our caregivers are eager to share a few days with your dog! You won’t regret it. Or maybe you will, as your dog might not want to come back home after enjoying so much.

Find the best caregiver for your dog in your area and let them also enjoy a Christmas to remember.

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Gudog is the easiest way to find & book the perfect dog Sitter. Thousands of loving Sitters are ready to care for your dog like family! All bookings come with Veterinary Care & Free Cancellation.